Ultimate Urban Erotica Series Book 2

The Ultimate Urban Erotica Series continues: In book one, the explicitly written erotic novella Ultimate Freak-fest Fantasy, Bella was a woman exploring love, lust and a wildly experimental sex life in exotic places around the world with her lover Samson—until he suddenly announced that he had met someone else. Spinning out of control Bella enters into an illicit love affair while vacationing in her hometown. She returns to her residence more determined than ever to get past the feelings of abandonment and betrayal that she felt so keenly in Spain and go forward as Samson’s life-long friend. Samson has happily moved on with his life until his military orders sends him back to city where he and Bella first met. He is faced with watching Bella date firsthand. Will his new paramour survive his jealousy over other men’s interests in Bella or will his feelings for Bella destroy his future happiness? Bella has loved and lost, twice. Will she love again or has heartbreak eternally buried her heart in ice and doomed her to a life of loveless sex? Bella Tracee Books, your literary quickie. www.MissTracee.com
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